English version below
一般社団法人 事故ゼロ・フォーラム 理事会一同
Warmest wishes to all for a wonderful holiday season and for much happiness in the coming new year.
Thank you for all your strong support in 2020 to us.
At this time, almost over the year of 2020 and we would like to say condolences to the affected people. And also we would like to say great appreciation to all health care workers and essential workers in all over the world for fight with un-known virus every single day for us.
We think “what we can do” and “what we need to do” for current obstruct society is to continue our Jiko-Zero activity step by step even its little step to eliminate tragedy by traffic accident include 2021 as a one of brighter light to make people feel happier even in continuous crisis.
Again, thank you for your strong support and please keep in touch with us to make Accident-Free Society in near future.
All Member of Jiko-Zero Forum (Accident Zero Forum)